At the start of the new school year, surveys suggest that teachers are burned out amidst what The Washington Post has characterized as a “catastrophic teacher shortage.” What’s fueling teacher burnout, and what can be done to help fix it?
Our virtual forum included a discussion with Belle Liang, Ph.D., and Timothy Klein, LCSW, co-authors of How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way In School, Career, and Beyond on their latest research on the psychological and cultural causes of teacher burnout.
After the discussion with Liang and Klein, former school superintendent Dwight Jones and a panel of education organizations working in collaboration with schools and districts will react to the authors’ findings and share insights and perspectives from their work on the ground and in the field.
Book Discussion

Belle Liang, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, How to Navigate Life; Co-Author, How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way In School, Career, and Beyond; Department Chairperson, Carolyn A. and Peter S. Lynch School of Education & Human Development, Boston College

Timothy Klein, LCSW
Co-Founder, How to Navigate Life and Co-Author, How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way In School, Career, and Beyond

Anna Edwards (Moderator)
Co-Founder and Chief Advocacy Officer, Whiteboard Advisors
Reaction Panel

Alix Guerrier
CEO, DonorsChoose

Matthew Kennard
CEO, BetterLesson

Ilana Nankin, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO, Breathe For Change

Nicol Russell, Ed.D.
Vice President of Implementation Research, Teaching Strategies

Matt Stringer
President, Invo HealthCare

Dwight Jones (Moderator)
Former Superintendent, Clark County School District and Denver Public Schools; Former Colorado Commissioner of Education; and Senior Advisor, Whiteboard Advisors.