It’s that time of year! SXSW Panel Picker is open, and voting has commenced!

Every year, the competition heightens, and of course 2017 is no exception. With so many standout submissions, the W/A team wanted to highlight a few favorites among our friends and clients:

Higher Education

Ending the Hunger Games of HigherEd

Data Today: Trends and Predictions for Higher Ed

The Fall of Newspapers: What Higher Ed Can Learn

Innovate from the Core

RIP Rev-Share: The Unbundling of OPM

What Higher Ed Can Learn from FitBit

Blow It Off or Blow It Up? Gen Z and Higher Ed


Workforce/Skills Training

L’Oreal, General Assembly & the “GMAT for Digital”

The Mismatch Between Higher Education & Employment

The Future of Identity: Tribes, Schools and Skills


Teachers and Tech

Can Teachers with Tech Replace Standardized Tests?  

Teacher Buy-in for Tech Buying

Teachers Turned Technologists: Lessons to Learn

Ready Player One? How VR Will Transform the Class


Special Education

Using Data & Tech to Bring SPED up to Speed


Personalized Learning

Personalized learning & the tech to make it happen

Let’s Remove the Hype in Personalized Learning

Adaptive Learning: Snake Oil or Substance?


Online Learning

Bringing Immersive Programs Online

Why the Workforce Needs Skills-Based Hiring


Design and Creativity

Fostering Ethical Creativity in a Digital Culture

Students Designing for Global Good

Genius Loci: Education With a Sense of Place


Research and Policy

EdTech Research: Who Pays Attention?

ESSA: What Ed-Tech Providers Need to Know


Voting closes September 2, so be sure to cast your votes to enjoy your favorites in March 2017!