The Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI), in collaboration with Education Reimagined and Transcend Education, released a brief titled Seizing the Opportunity for State Education R&D: Findings and Recommendations for Action informed by interviews and survey responses from 60 education stakeholders representing 15 states and diverse political contexts.
Zoom in: This brief discusses how states play a particularly important role in R&D as they can implement policy strategies that more broadly address education and workforce challenges. Specifically, the brief recommends that state education leaders must create the conditions and infrastructure in which R&D can thrive.
- Changing state conditions includes developing a central mission and dedicating an office that leads this work. Currently, fewer than half of state education agencies (SEAs) have at least one staff person primarily focused on supporting research activities. In addition, states should empower local leaders who can test evidence-based strategies and inform systems transformation.
- Changing state infrastructure includes leveraging comprehensive data systems, technology platforms, and community networks that enable R&D efforts.
Why it matters: The U.S. education system is in need of transformation, and evidence-based strategies must be promoted to overcome these educational challenges. Dedicating resources to R&D is imperative, as it provides states the opportunity to systematically identify, test, and scale effective solutions that can improve student outcomes.